Robert Temple and Steve in England in May.
Robert Temple
his first column...click here.
Abracadabra (April 6, 2002, Issue #2932):
Prize winner of the Swanbrooke Trophy went to Robert Temple...a
delightful and dedicated young man at only 14, previous winner
of The Magic Circle Young Magicians' Club Close-Up Competition
last October..."
are delighted to announce the addition of Robert Temple to
our team. Robert is a dynamo, with lots of talents, both onstage
and off. I predict great things in the magic world from this
young guy. He's also a computer whiz, so he will keep us all
on our toes and mouses, I'm sure.
in England, Robert will be developing several new features
and offering support in many technical, behind the scenes
areas as well as providing us with news and interesting reading...you
will be hearing a lot more from Robert in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned! He has many great ideas and I am personally happy
to have his input and support. Read more about him on his
web site. Welcome
aboard, Robert!
his first column...click here.
is very excited to annouce that beginning next month. we will
be hosting a monthly auction. We will also provide you with
up to the minute information and links to other magic auctions
on the Internet.