=== NEWS ===

May 26, 2005

Volume 1, Number 1

(702) 253-7372

Mobile (702) 376-4727

Email: [email protected]

Introducing our new E-Zine


Hello Team! As things seem to be moving at the speed of light for all of us, we are happy to introduce this new communication tool to stay in touch with everyone.

Starting with this issue, we will be keeping you informed about upcoming meetings and events, as well as offering new ideas and advice to help you expand and grow your XanGo� business.



Tell us how you like our new publication, and if there is anything you�d like to see us cover, feel free to let us know. We are planning many special articles for future issues.�



Why Network Marketing?

Often times people will ask you why Xango decided to market their unique product through a network marketing business model. Here is the reason, and something you should know, giving you the ammunition to answer that question when someone pops it to you.

Network marketing is one of the few industries that allows you to build an income that can be more lucrative than any mutual fund or stock market account and the residual checks don't have to stop coming when you stop working.

Right now, the health and wellness industry grosses over 200 billion dollars a year, and analysts predict it will grow to over one trillion dollars annually by the year 2010, that will generate over 1.9 million dollars every 60 seconds. Whether you are involved or not, this is going to happen.

As I said, at one time, Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba were all unknown products. All of these products became household names through network marketing.

XanGo™ is a very young, yet fast-growing and extremely profitable company. It started in 2002. Read More Here...

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November 3�5, 2005
Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Click here for online registration.
Click here to download a PDF of the registration form (to fax or mail back).

It�s a 3-day XanGo business-booster!

The first two conventions were record-setters, and this one is gonna shatter �em all.

If you�re a first-time convention-goer, XanGo Convention is the perfect complement to any XanGo experience: Hear from the founders, meet the home office staff, tour the Xango Headquarters, soak up the energy and have a blast!

If you�re a XanGo Convention veteran, you think you know what treats are in store.... But can we possibly top the last convention?


Rick Thomas will be there, Ricky and Candy Brandon will be there, Jan & Steve Dacri will be there, Doc Straube will be there...will you? MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US!

It will rock your world!

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Moe Grows

Have you seen Moe lately?

He's getting BIGGER and more powerful every day. If you haven't seen him lately, you really need to visit him while he still living in Rick's kitchen.

That's one of the coolest things about the meetings that take place at Rick's home...we all get to become "one" with the most beautiful creatures on this planet, the tigers, including this little one. So, bring someone with you to the next meeting at Rick's house. Not only will they learn more about XanGo, they will get to experience the tigers (bring your camera, too!)

Someday, Moe will be a big cat, like the rest of his family, and Rick says he will end up weighing in at over 500 pounds! If I were you, I'd make friends with him now, so he won't want to eat you later...

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Hispanic Market Skyrockets

"It's unbelievable." That's how Lourdes Paepke, XanGo's global latin market manager, describes the growth Hispanic distributors are experiencing. "Ever since the May Majors (a year ago), we've seen incredible progress." Lourdes attributes most of this advancement to extraordinary distributor-leaders who teach by example.

"XanGo is a company dedicated to supporting the Hispanic market," she says. "And we're finding out that that loyalty is more than returned by our wonderful Spanish-speaking distributors." Lourdes points out that recent company-sponsored meetings in Puerto Rico, Colorado, New York, and Texas have fueled tremendous growth. "This is the largest minority group in the U.S.," she says, "and it's increasing every day. Look for fantastic things in the near future!"

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A Great Article...


This is an amazing article that originally appeared in GOURMET Magazine and also in the New York Times in 2003. Read the article here. You might want to print it out and share it.

Free Magic XanGo™ Website

Here are more pages of information about the product and the business.
Also, if you do not yet have your very own Xango website, call us today and we will set one up for you for free. And there is no monthly charge, it is completely free....an invaluable tool to assist you in your business.

Amazing Testimonials from our files

Financial Rewards

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Contact us:
Jan & Steve Dacri
(702) 253-9392 - office
(702) 376-4727 - mobile
(310) 702-2244 - mobile

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