=== NEWS ===

sept. 9, 2005

Volume 1, Number 4

(702) 253-7372

Mobile (702) 376-4727

Email: [email protected]


From XanGo Headquarters:

To help coordinate donations and demonstrate support of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, XanGo is offering a custom pin for $5 USD, and the proceeds will go directly to the American Red Cross.

Click here for ordering information and to view the pin design.

Your XanGo Team

New to the XanGo world? Click here for some important information

Building a Successful XanGo Business

(At left: Company President and Co-Founder Aaran Garrity and Steve disdcussing XanGo Magic)


Yes, we all know that getting from A to Z - that is, from the day we signed that distributor contract with XanGo to the day when passive income amounts to thousands of dollars every single month - is no easy feat.

Nothing comes easy. You get out of your XanGo what you put into it. Anyone can do it with vision, hard work and guidance. With this and all of our our isues of our XanGo Magic Newsletter (plus that magic tool, the telephone), it is our goal to help each and every one of you to reach your goals, to make your dreams of huge income levels become a reality.

After speaking with many network marketing experts, that is, people who have been in this sort of business for a very long time, and who have made millions of dollars doing it, I would like to pass on some truly valuable advice.

We all know that we can only be successful (and make a ton of money) in XanGo if we have a strong organization, built with dedicated people who share the vision for success. Right?

Question: when it comes to building a huge downline in XanGo, who are we really looking for?

I think people sort themselves into categories naturally. There are the heavy hitters that never seem to tire or slow down, and then there are those that fizzle out rather quickly. Here's a breakdown of the four categories that people in the XanGo business fall into:

1. Weekend Warriors. These guys and gals work fulltime jobs, but take their XanGo business pretty seriously. They'll generally show up about twice a month for a live meeting or conference call, and might enroll 1-2 new distributors a month consistently. They are a coin flip to attend the XanGo national convention based on getting time off work and their budget. We all need these folks to fill in the gaps, and hopefully, they can be eventually converted to a more serious and productive level.

2. Getting Ready To Get Ready. These folks work about an hour a month. They love the product, use it faithfully, have business cards that they never give out, a stack of brochures and maybe even some CD's, and spend countless hours on the web searching for some way to make money in the business without actually talking to anyone. Unfortunately, there are too many of these types that seem to gravitate to the business, and they usually disappear after a few months.

3. Almost Famous. These are your bread and butter workers. They make $1500 - $2500 a month or so. They would love to go fulltime in the business and quit their jobs but their group is about a year or two away from being big enough. Time invested in these people often pays big rewards. You may be in this category yourself, it is a big group, and one that is destined for big financial rewards.

4. The Superstars. These are the rare breed that is going to make six figures if you give them a bottle of XanGo and a flyer, and an open road. They have determination in their eyes, and they can see the financial rewards clearly. Love them, encourage them, don't anger them, and stay out of their way and let them do it.

Obviously we want lots and lots of groups 3 and 4. How do you find them?

That, my friends is the 64-thousand dollar question, and there is no obvious answer..

I guess they find you. If you're good, and are consistently working 15 hours a week, enrolling 5-10 new people a month, working with your serious people, attending all events, and are progressing in the business, the best people will seek you out over time.

They generally will rise up from deep within your organization. If you are lucky, you may enroll half a dozen in your career personally. I will not be satisfied until I have enrolled 50 of these people. Yes, a big goal, but I know that those people are out there, and I intend to find them!

Here's a hint. Every single #4 that the "experts" have ever had the privilege to work with attended all the big events. The time you invest going to these big events yourself, AND getting your fellow team members to the convention is time well spent....one of the founders of XanGo told me that 80% of the XanGo distributors who attended the first two Conventions are making the bulk of the money in commissions. And very few of those who did not attend have matched those levels of income.

It seems like part of the formula for success with XanGo is attending the annual convention, don't you agree?

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Take advantage of these calls, they are all great tools for you to build your business. Get a prospect on the line and have them listen, they will make your job a lot easier. The pre-recorded calls can be listened to at any time, 24 hours a day.

Opportunity Call
Join us for a brief overview of Xango International and learn about our phenomonal product and lucrative compensation plan.
Schedule: Monday/Wednesday8:00pm MST
Tuesday/Thursday 12:00pm MST
Phone: 512-225-3023
Pin: 801782#

Leadership Conference Call
Join us and hear from top XSU trainers on the keys to keeping your group motivated and driven. This is a solution oriented call on the how to's of being a top leader and business builder.
Schedule: 2nd/4th Monday of the month 9:00pm MST
Phone: 512-225-3023
Pin: 801782#

Doctor's Call
Join us and hear from some of the most reputable healthcare practitioners as they discuss the benefits of the mangosteen juice.
Schedule: 2nd/4th Monday of the month 7:00pm MST
Phone: 512-225-3023
Pin: 801782#


Use the pre-recorded Sizzle Call and the Opportunity Call when you have someone who wants to learn more about the company and the business. The pre-recorded Health Watch Call is great for learning more about the product.

Sizzle Call
A 4 minute snapshot of Xango International presented by Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing Gordon Morton.
Phone: 801-858-3720

Opportunity Call
Hear a top XSU trainer explain all about the company and compensation plan.
Phone: 801-437-1062 option 1

Health Watch Call
Listen to a healthcare professional talk all about the amazing health benefits of Xango.
Phone: 801-437-1062 option 2

XanGo™ is a very young, yet fast-growing and extremely profitable company. It started in 2002. Read More Here...

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Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Click here for online registration.
Click here to download a PDF of the registration form (to fax or mail back).

It�s a 3-day XanGo business-booster!

The first two conventions were record-setters, and this one is gonna shatter �em all.

If you�re a first-time convention-goer, XanGo Convention is the perfect complement to any XanGo experience: Hear from the founders, meet the home office staff, tour the Xango Headquarters, soak up the energy and have a blast!

If you�re a XanGo Convention veteran, you think you know what treats are in store.... But can we possibly top the last convention?


Jan & Steve Dacri will be there...will you? MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US!

It will rock your world!

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The Shermanator

Jan recently attended one of Sherman Unkefer's amazing talks, and it inspired and motivate her.

Of course, Sherman is the creator of the Magic Wand SYstem, and the CD that rocks.

If you are not already using this valuable tool, may I ask you why?

Jan and I have signed up more people using Sherman's CD and system than any other tool in existence today. If you need some, call us right away, we have a supply on hand and will get them to you right away. Large quantities are avaliable on the web, as you already know.


As Rick said during a recent phone call, the 3-way call is another magic secret that works. If you are not already doing so, give it a try. Call Rick Thomas, or call Jan or myself, and we will help you add credibility and build enthusiasm for your potential distributors.

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Free Magic XanGo™ Website

Here are more pages of information about the product and the business.

Also, if you do not yet have your very own Xango website, call us today and we will set one up for you for free. And there is no monthly charge, it is completely free....an invaluable tool to assist you in your business.

Financial Rewards

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Experts are comparing XanGo� to Band Aid®, Walkman�, Kleenex®, Xerox®...even Coca-Cola®

Wish you would have bought stock in Microsoft in the beginning? What about Walmart? You would be set for life! Similarly, XanGo is being called another HUGE category creator and those who join the business early will see huge profits! You could be one of them!
MILLIONS are being paid to people like you...to work right at home!

What shocks most people about XanGo is our non-traditional business & marketing model...instead of spending millions to have big name advertising companies or pop-stars endorse our product - we pay people like you to market it online, right from home!

And guess what? It works.

We're Currently one of the Top 10 Fastest Growing Companies in the World!

You WILL hear about XanGo...if you haven't heard the buzz already. This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in with a business that's making history (and a LOT of money).

There's 4 different ways you can make money with XanGo:

1 - Buy wholesale and sell retail from your own XanGo website!
2 - Earn weekly fast-start commissions on all of your customers initial orders!
3 - Receive monthly commissions for all customers repeat orders!
4 - And here's the BIG pay off: Share in the company profits with a generous global bonus pool that's paid out quarterly!

Don't Let This Opportunity PASS YOU BY....

Don't look back one day with regret, make the decision to find out more about XanGo today.

Get in Early and Start Making $1,000's
from Home with XanGo!

Call us today and ask for your FREE presentation CD...it will change your life.
(Limited number of presentation CD's available)

*You will NEVER be pressured into joining or buying any XanGo product. Respond today and you will see the enormous opportunity, it literally sells itself.

Contact us:
Jan & Steve Dacri
XanGo Magic Team Leaders
(702) 253-9392 - office
(702) 376-4727 - mobile
(310) 702-2244 - mobile

©2000-2007 MagicWebChannel.com

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