Praise • Endorsements • Evaluations


Conexpo is the construction industry's largest Trade Show, held every three years in Las Vegas. Attendees fill every hotel room in town. There are 50 speakers on the program. Jan Dacri is one of the few women to speak, having been invited to present during the past four years. Her subjects have universal appeal to people in all walks of life. Following are samples of evaluation summaries, typical of audience responses
to her presentations in every industry.

On the following pages, please note:

• Section 1 (top) 1 = Excellent
• Section 2 (middle)
Section 3 (bottom) are quotes from participants' evaluation sheets under "comments" section.
Evaluation #1
Evaluation #2
Conexpo 1996 Seminar Program
Session Evaluation
Day:           Friday, March 22, 1996
Time:         7:30-8:45
Code:         P-3
Title:           Programming Your Mind With a Better Memory
Instructor:   Jan Dacri


(1 = Excellent; 4 = Below Average)                                                 Average Response

    Value to you personally                                                             1.21
    New concepts/ideas presented                                                1.34
    Session materials                                                                       1.55


 KEY AREAS AVERAGE                                                          1.36

(1 = All too basic; 4 = At correct level; 7 = All too complex)            Average Response

   As it applies to majority of participants                                  4.20
   As it applies to you                                                                    4.06

• Great! Best of the four I have attended.
• Fun instructor.
• The best presenter yet.
• 7:30 a.m. - Best one yet and my 7th one.
• Excellent presenter, very worthwhile, very enjoyable.
• Excellent instructor, positive demonstration, #1 seminar attended.
• Highly recommended.
• Very good - time went by quickly.
• Wonderful.
• Very helpful.
• Very good. Would have liked more time.
• Great program!
• Best of all seminars.
• Well worth it!
• Good topic.
• Great.
• Thanks.
Conexpo 1996 Seminar Program

Session Evaluation
Day:           Saturday, March 23, 1996
Time:         10:30-11:45
Code:         W-2
Title:           Programming Your Mind With a Better Memory
Instructor:   Jan Dacri



(1 = Excellent; 4 = Below Average)                                                 Average Response
Value to you personally                                                              1.21
New concepts/ideas presented                                                1.28
Session materials                                                                       1.43
KEY AREAS AVERAGE                                                          1.30



(1 = All too basic; 4 = At correct level; 7 = All too complex)            Average Response


As it applies to majority of participants                                   4.00
As it applies to you                                                                    3.93



• It was really what I needed.
• Best one yet!
• Absolutely wonderful.
• Award-best session.
• Adjoining seminar was quite loud.
• Very good class.
• Great Scott! Where was this lady when I started high school? This was potentially one of the most beneficial sessions I've ever been to!
• It reinforced what I had learned earlier and highlighted the importance of memory at my job.



Mind/Body Improvement Resources • 1066 S. Ogden Drive Los Angeles,
CA 90019 • 310-702-4455 • [email protected]