AUGUST 1, 2006

Volume 2, Number 6

(702) 253-7372

Mobile (702) 376-4727

Email: [email protected]

New Website Enhancements | Distrib Renewal Reminder | XanGo Challenges Competitors | XanGo Awarded Best | Success Manual Creating More Premier Levels | Convention Registration Opens | Inferior Juices on the Market | Materials Now Available in UK |


As you know, we have revised and updated our entire XanGo section of this website, so take a look around and let us know what you think. You will find a lot of great materials, including an expanded news and research area, with articles you will want to read and print out...such as this great one here.

Mangosteen superfruit gains in popularity as XanGo urges consumers to stick to whole fruit products

Originally published July 18 2006
(NewsTarget) -- Mangosteen -- a "superfruit" from a tropical evergreen tree in southeast Asia -- has experienced growth this year as food makers have begun including the healthy fruit in more and more products.

However, XanGo, the maker of a dietary supplement juice derived from mangosteen, says consumers need to be aware that producers of mangosteen products sometimes use misleading labeling, such as claims that a product contains whole fruits, when it only contains pulp or powder.

The market for mangosteen -- which plays a role in joint, intestinal and immune system health -- has become competitive, and XanGo chief marketing officer Gordon Morton says honest companies may be jeopardized if competing companies mislead the public with false labeling.

"Whole fruit should mean usage of the complete mangosteen, pulp and rind, as nature intended," Morton says. "This is a consistent whole fruit definition we should all honor."

Morton says misleading labeling on mangosteen and other superfruit products is a matter of "significant concern," and claims many companies entering the mangosteen market are guilty of making false "whole fruit" use claims.

Unless companies can be consistently honest in labeling the use of whole fruits, Morton says the entire industry -- including honest companies that use whole fruits and have the right to indicate that aspect on their labels -- may suffer from a dishonest reputation.

Health advocates urge consumers to use only superfruit products that contain whole fruits, as the whole fruit is responsible for its health benefits -- not just its pulp. Many so-called superfruit juice products are also made primarily with pear and apple juices, not the juices of the superfruit. Read the ingredients labels to get the facts.

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WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED A NEW ROUND OF ENHANCEMENTS here in the pages. We have listed to the feedback you provided, and made this XanGo setion easier to use, completely organized so you (or your prospective distributors) can quickly find anything. Feel free to send people here, they will find the health issues covered extensively, backing up your claims of the importance of drinking XanGo every day. Send people here to look at the science and research studies, now available in summary format and written in easy to understand language. And he business opportunity is located in its own section for those that aremore interested in creating or grown their business. Let us know how you like everything. Take a tour for yourself.

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Have any of you seen the competition anywhere? They pop up here and there, with bottles of juice that supposedly contains mangosteen fruit, but beware...

When someone asks me about "that juice they see in Costco" or on the web, I just smile and tell them to look at the labels. Of course, many of them LIE about what is inside, or they say "whole fruit mangosteen" but what they do not tell you, is they are powders or extracts that are made from the mangosteen fruit.

XanGo is the only company, with a patented formula, that uses the whole fruit of the mangosteen fruit. If someone drinks the other stuff, well...lets just say they would be better off drinking water. Tests have proven that those other juices, despite their claims otherwise, contain virtually no measurable xanthones, the very reason we drink this juice.

If the original - namely, XanGo was not so amazing, other companies would not be doing everything possible to release competing products.

Drink the original. Or drink nothing.

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Annual Renewal and Materials Fee


Re�new /ri-'nü, -'nyü/ v. to make like new; restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection; to begin again.

The passing of each year brings another benchmark in your life�and in your business. It�s a chance to initiate and renovate goals, and it can signify a point of reference for future accomplishments. At XanGo an anniversary is also a time to renew your Distributor Agreement.

Thanks to recent internal technology enhancements, XanGo�s official Renewal Program goes into effect the end of June 2006, and that�s when distributors who have been with XanGo for at least one year renew their respective distributorships. (Distributorships younger than one year will be notified in the weeks leading up to their anniversary date.)

Here�s a quick look at all the details:
� In addition to renewing your distributorship, this $20 dollar Annual Renewal and Materials Fee covers the cost of distributor communications throughout the upcoming year.
� XanGo will allow a 60-day grace period for distributors to renew.
� If you�ve been a distributor for over a year, regardless of your anniversary date, we�d like you to renew your distributorship by August 31, 2006.
� When you renew this month we�ll set your annual renewal date one year from the date you pay (it won�t be on your sign-up date any more).
� For all distributors who have been with us less than one year, their renewal date will continue to be on the anniversary of their sign-up.

The quickest way to renew your distributorship is to go online and and click on product order. Scroll all the way down and the last item is the renewal item.�you can call 1.877.GO.XANGO�or you can send in a check or money order.

Thanks for your continued efforts, and GO XANGO!

Your XanGo Team

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MLM Insider Selects XanGo

Since 1992, The MLM Insider�a major hub of network activity with industry clout�has released an objective and unbiased annual list of what it considers to be the best companies in network marketing. The decisions have been made for 2005��06. The most complete and fit companies have stood up to be recognized in this year�s The Best Companies in Network Marketing.

Frankly and briefly: XanGo took two top honors.


1. The Editor�s Selection

Corey Augenstein, editor-in-chief of MLM Insider Online, chose XanGo as one of the greatest companies in network marketing, based on firm management, excellent distributor support, generous compensation and a singular product.

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2. The Distributor Choice Award

Really, this award pays the highest compliment there is. Loud thanks to our distributor partners for loving us�and letting others know it. We like the plaque, but not as much as we like knowing that our uncommonly close relationship with our distributors is absolutely genuine�and reciprocated. This is more (we�ll say it: heartwarming) evidence that you feel for us what we feel for you.

The list is compiled and printed. A whole new class of hungry entrepreneurs will be reading about the company whose distributors spoke up louder in praise than any other, and whose management, product and plan all give liberally.

Way to go, XanGo.

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Sales Tools Now Available in the UK!

You asked for them and we listened! Sales tools are now available in the United Kingdom. These tools are an essential part in sharing the incredible opportunity of XanGo.

Sales tools now available:

· Corporate Brochure

· Whole Fruit Brochure

· Joe�s Story DVD

· Exploration DVD

· Expansion DVD

Click here to visit our website and view full product descriptions.

Call toll free to order today!

· UK 0800.032.4494
· Ireland 1.800.684.002

Share the XanGo story and build your business with the best tools in the market!

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4th Anniversary Convention

The 4th Anniversary Convention happens Nov. 15�18, 2006, in Salt Lake City, UT�and it just so happens you won�t want this happening to happen without your happenin� self.







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Registration is now Open!


6,500 people have only great things to say about the 3rd Anniversary Convention. Next time, make sure you�re the one doing the talking. Be a part of the revolution and register today! Click here for online registration or make all your arrangements by calling SLCVB at 800.217.0002.

(Above: XanGo President Aaron Garrity (he's Batman...crime fighter by night) and Steve Dacri during last year's convention party...)

See the photos from the last event

Here�s all the fun happening at this year�s convention:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Afternoon Corporate Tours
Evening Black-tie Dinner for 100K, 200K, and 500K Premiers Select

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Morning Premier Leadership Meeting
Afternoon Attendee Sign-in
Afternoon Corporate Tours
Evening Welcome Reception

Friday, November 17, 2006
Morning General Session I
Afternoon XanGo Store Open
Afternoon Breakouts
Evening Dance Party

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Morning General Session II
Afternoon XanGo Store Open
Afternoon General Session III
Evening free for Distributor Parties

You�re already a part of history�top your year off at THE XanGo event of all events.

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Many more people are discovering the valuable tool we recently released. It's free for all distributors, so what are you waiting for?

We urge you to read it and pass the link on to all of your distributors. Your feedback is welcome. Call me if you have any questions about it. It will help you reach the levels you dream about. See it here...

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Take advantage of these calls, they are all great tools for you to build your business. Get a prospect on the line and have them listen, they will make your job a lot easier. The pre-recorded calls can be listened to at any time, 24 hours a day.

For a list of calls, click here

Become a DIstributor Now. Here's How.

XanGo™ is a very young, yet fast-growing and extremely profitable company. It started in 2002. Read More Here...

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Amazing Testimonials from our files

Financial Rewards

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Experts are comparing XanGo� to Band Aid®, Walkman�, Kleenex®, Xerox®...even Coca-Cola®

Wish you would have bought stock in Microsoft in the beginning? What about Walmart? You would be set for life! Similarly, XanGo is being called another HUGE category creator and those who join the business early will see huge profits! You could be one of them!
MILLIONS are being paid to people like work right at home!

What shocks most people about XanGo is our non-traditional business & marketing model...instead of spending millions to have big name advertising companies or pop-stars endorse our product - we pay people like you to market it online, right from home!

And guess what? It works.

We're Currently one of the Top 10 Fastest Growing Companies in the World!

You WILL hear about XanGo...if you haven't heard the buzz already. This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in with a business that's making history (and a LOT of money).

There's 4 different ways you can make money with XanGo:

1 - Buy wholesale and sell retail from your own XanGo website!
2 - Earn weekly fast-start commissions on all of your customers initial orders!
3 - Receive monthly commissions for all customers repeat orders!
4 - And here's the BIG pay off: Share in the company profits with a generous global bonus pool that's paid out quarterly!

Don't Let This Opportunity PASS YOU BY....

Don't look back one day with regret, make the decision to find out more about XanGo today.

Get in Early and Start Making $1,000's
from Home with XanGo!

Call us today and ask for your FREE presentation will change your life.
(Limited number of presentation CD's available)

*You will NEVER be pressured into joining or buying any XanGo product. Respond today and you will see the enormous opportunity, it literally sells itself.

Contact us:
Jan & Steve Dacri
XanGo Magic Team Leaders
(702) 253-9392 - office
(702) 376-4727 - mobile
(310) 702-2244 - mobile


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