=== NEWS ===

JULY 14, 2005

Volume 1, Number 2

(702) 253-7372

Mobile (702) 376-4727

Email: [email protected]

SUPER VEGAS XanGo Event on July 30th...


--Dr. Frederic Templeman
--Sherman Unkefer
--Colli and David Butler

--Aaron Garrity (co-founder and COO)

July 30, 2005

10 a.m. � 4 p.m.

Sun Coast Hotel
9090 Alta Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89145
(702) 636-7111

NOTE: XanGo is underwriting this event, so the whole thing is FREE for everyone to attend!

This is a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED event!!!

(See the Doctor here)

The doctor himself...Dr. Frederic Templeman, the world's leading authority on Mangosteen, will be there in person, as will XanGo� distributor and network marketing guru Sherman Unkefer (creator of "The Magic Wand" system and CD, not to mention longtime distributors Colli and David Butler...plus one of the actual FOUNDERS of XanGo, Aaron Garrity..prepare to be blown away by this amazing line-up together for one fabulous event, right here in Las Vegas.

Call us to reserve your spot, and plan to be at the Suncoast for this wonderful event.



This will be a major boost to your XanGo� business, and a IT'S COMPLETELY FREE for the opportunity to meet and talk with the most successful distributors in XanGo�, one of the actual FOUNDERS of the company, Aaron Garrity, as well as "Doctor Mangosteen" himself, the one and only Doc Templeman.

Block off your calendar, meanwhile and we will see you there!


"In my opinion, the daily use of mangosteen along with a good multivitamin and mineral supplement is the optimal choice for those who recognize the value of supplementation."
- J. Frederic Templeman, MD

Hello Team! With this, our second newsletter, we have so much to tell you about! SInce our last newsletter, thousands of new distributors have come onboard, and our team has been the fastest growing team to date! Keep up the great work, and be prepared for those huge checks that will be coming, not yet, but sometime down the road. The first months are the hardest, the ones where you put a lot of effort and time in, and yet you see small checks popping into your mail box. This is the time when most people disappear, vanish into thin air, because they do not have faith in the future. They do not believe in the foundation they are building.

Those that stick with in, like Colli and David Butler, are now seeing six figure checks on a monthly basis, not to mention their share of the quarterly payouts from the global pool. It can happen FOR YOU, but only in you stay with it, and DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!

As Rick Thomas said to Jan and I when we first began this marvelous journey, "Give me a year, and I will show you amazing riches." Well, we are doing just that. We plan to build this business for AT LEAST two years, and we know that we will be rewarded with a huge residual income that will fill our bank accounts beyond our wildest dreams.

XanGo� will hit $1 billion in the near future, and that growth will impact us personally, as it will you, too, if you stick with it.

A great tool is to send people to this website (www.magicwebchannel.com) which will give them a lot of valuable information, on the product, and on the business opportunity.

And please call on either Jan or myself if you need advice, assistance or just need to talk. We are all in this together, and we are devoted to this business, and to YOUR success. We will talk to people for you, sign up distributers for you, and even arrange meetings for you. We will do whatever it takes to help you build your business and reach the levels you want to reach.


We appreciate all of ther calls and emails we have received about this new publication. Thanks for your support and encouragement. As we said in the first issue, if there is anything you�d like to see us cover, feel free to let us know. We are planning many special articles for future issues.�

Bravo to Our New 1K Distributors

The first HUGE milestone is to reach the 1K status. We want to congratulate Lauren Manzano and Doc Straube on hitting this goal so quickly. Both Lauren and Doc have told me that they plan to reach PREMIERE STATUS before the big 3rd Annual XanGo� Convention in November, and we believe they will hit it! Keep in mind that both Doc and Lauren have full time jobs outside of their XanGo� business, so they have not been able to devote much time to XanGo� yet...still they have managed to hit this plateau easily, and they are both well on their way to the upper reaches of the XanGo� world.

There are more distributors that are very close, and we expect to announce others in our next newsletter.

Remember this...Network marketing is one of the few industries that allows you to build an income that can be more lucrative than any mutual fund or stock market account and the residual checks don't have to stop coming when you stop working.

As I said, at one time, Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba were all unknown products. All of these products became household names through network marketing.

XanGo™ is a very young, yet fast-growing and extremely profitable company. It started in 2002. Read More Here...

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November 3�5, 2005
Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Click here for online registration.
Click here to download a PDF of the registration form (to fax or mail back).

It's getting closer...have you marked your calendar with the dates? This will be the most important 3 days of your XanGo career...

It�s a 3-day XanGo business-booster!

The first two conventions were record-setters, and this one is gonna shatter �em all. Fun and surprises you WON'T BELIEVE!

If you�re a first-time convention-goer, XanGo Convention is the perfect complement to any XanGo experience: Hear from the founders, meet the home office staff, tour the Xango Headquarters, soak up the energy and have a blast!

If you�re a XanGo Convention veteran, you think you know what treats are in store.... But can we possibly top the last convention?


Rick Thomas will be there, Ricky and Candy Brandon will be there, Jan & Steve Dacri will be there, Lauren Manzano and Doc Straube will be there...will you? MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US!

It will rock your world!

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Break Through the Barrier by Kent Wood
JULY 2005


Helen Keller is quoted as saying that �optimism is the faith that leads to achievement,� a XanGo certainty. It is a concept that you demonstrate every time you invite a friend to try our product, every time you schedule a home meeting, contact an acquaintance about an upcoming opportunity meeting or make the commitment to attend a XanGo event like our upcoming 3rd Anniversary Convention.

Throughout history, the greatest achievers have been optimists. Columbus was�or else he would have never stepped on the Santa Maria, leading to the discovery of the American continent. Without optimism, Thomas Edison wouldn�t have been the world�s greatest inventor; rather, he would have called it quits after his first version of the light bulb failed. And even now, Lance Armstrong works on his 7th Tour de France victory, having defeated cancer and redefined �optimism.� It�s undeniable that these people saw things in terms of the unachieved achievable, not daunting opposition.

One of the key reasons our growth has been so staggering is our bold commitment to be the fastest network marketing company to reach $1 billion in sales. That goal will be achieved because of the optimism of our distributors and their willingness to overcome individual challenges on the path to success. Many of you have established personal goals and group milestones that will soon become reality. These goals are the very signs of optimism that will lead to our collective achievement and enduring success.

Kent Wood
Executive VP & CFO
XanGo, LLC

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Miracle Cure...

Many people ask us why (and how) the mangosteen seems to benefit so many people over such a broad spectrum of health conditions. Some of what we are sharing may sound a bit scientific but when it comes to your health, you deserve to know! Click here to read more...

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Free Magic XanGo™ Website

Remember, if you do not yet have your very own Xango website, call us today and we will set one up for you for free. And there is no monthly charge, it is completely free....an invaluable tool to assist you in your business.

Previous Newsletters:

May 2005

XanGo- The Company...

Amazing Testimonials from our files

Financial Rewards

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Contact us:
Jan & Steve Dacri
(702) 253-9392 - office
(702) 376-4727 - mobile
(310) 702-2244 - mobile

©2000-2007 MagicWebChannel.com