You'll learn 200 of the best tricks in magic...
all personally selected from thousands of possibilities by master magician Mark Wilson.
Mark Wilson Video Course in Magic
Learn magic like this�
Baffling Close Up Miracles Magic you can carry in your pocket or purse and do anywhere!
Impromptu Magic Have nothing with you? You can still perform amazing magic with borrowed objects like coins, straws, bills, etc!
Incredible Card Tricks You'll learn astounding magic with ordinary cards, even with a borrowed deck! Trick decks and special cards are also supplied.
Sensational Stand Up Magic Present these stunners at any party, large or small. Great for all ages: children, teens, adults or seniors!
Make at Home Magic Props Make magic props easily from things you already have around the house or can purchase inexpensively at neighborhood stores!
Marvelous Mental Miracles You can apparently read minds and make infallible predictions of future events!
Parlor and Cabaret Magic Learn magic with silk handkerchiefs, rabbits, doves and other items which you can routine into a professional act!
Stage Illusions You even learn secrets to grand stage illusions, which can be inexpensively constructed and presented in the largest theaters!
Magic International PO Box 801839 Santa Clarita CA 91380-1839 Toll-Free Orders: (800) 367-8749
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