Mark Wilson
Video Course in Magic

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Video Course?

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In Volume 6, learn 25 more reputation-makers...

Smash a borrowed watch to pieces, then restore it! 

Change a cup of water into ice cubes, magically!

Escape from a chain locked around your wrists!

Pull a rope right through your body!
                        Visually!  Three powerful methods!

Plus these great bonus tricks, complete with props!

A GIANT CARD TRICK   One of many routines which uses a giant card for a surprise finish.

MAGIC WAND MAGIC   A great trick using the wand, plus other ideas with this classic prop.

Click on a volume!

ANTI-GRAVICO   Turn a bottle full of liquid upside down�the liquid doesn't spill out!

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

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Volume 7

Volume 8

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Volume 6
Only $39.95
plus shipping and handling.

(For money-back guarantee
and discounts, click HERE)
Toll-Free Orders: (800) 367-8749

For a list of all the tricks on Volume 6, click HERE

To move on to Volume 7, click HERE

Magic International  PO Box 801839  Santa Clarita CA 91380-1839   Toll-Free Orders: (800) 367-8749
Copyright © 2000 Magic International                                                                  [email protected]