What will learning magic do for me?

Meet people and make friends
At a party, on a plane, in a restaurant, at the beach, anywhere � your magic breaks the ice. Singles find it's an excellent way to meet members of the opposite sex.

Mark Wilson
Video Course in Magic

Be invited to every party
As soon as your friends know you can perform magic, you'll be invited to every party. You'll be a sought-after dinner guest. After doing a few tricks, you may be the most popular person at the affair.

Home Page

What is the
Video Course?

What will learning magic do for me?

What magic
will I learn?

Why will Mark Wilson teach me
these great secrets?

About Mark Wilson

What will it cost?

Be a family favorite 
With just a few tricks in your pocket, you can turn an ordinary family get-together into a special event. You'll soon be the favorite grandparent, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, best friend.

Spread a bit of joy
Your magic can bring a few minutes of joy to an orphanage, a children's hospital or a retirement home. The smiles on those faces will be a great reward. 

Click on a volume!

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 8

Shopping Basket

Make teaching interesting
Teachers can use magic to entertainingly deliver educational material, maintain attention in classrooms, and for attendance-building, extra-curricular and after-school activities.

Set new sales records
A clever trick will brighten a receptionist's morning, give you an edge getting through to the boss, and add fun to a client's day. They'll be delighted to see you every time you call.

Welcome around the world
Magic is universally understood and appreciated, knowing no racial, geographic or language barriers.  Performing a few magic tricks will make you welcome in countries around the world.

What magic
will I learn? >>> 

Magic International  PO Box 801839  Santa Clarita CA 91380-1839   Toll-Free Orders: (800) 367-8749
Copyright © 2000 Magic International                                                                  [email protected]