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Tony Brook MMC


Meet Tony Brook, one of the founding fathers of Magic Web Channel, and the Director of International Operations.


Tony Brook Has a Sit-Down with Steve Dacri

'MAGICIAN AT LARGE" - Tony visits Underground Norway, and we really mean UNDERGROUND...

Read his recent columns

Bob Blau
Walter Zaney Blaney
Dan Garrett
George Saterial
Steve Dacri


Tony Brook Reviews- check it out
The History of Magic - An ongoing essay
About Tony:

Tony Brook got the magic bug at age 5 when his father showed him a card effect. It was the beginning of a passion that has endured to date, which is over 50 years. Currently, he performs as 'The Magical Mind of Tony Brook ' or as Anthony Darkstone. Having Native American connections he also performs as a shaman called Tony Two Eagles. He has covered all the areas of magic from close-up to illusions. Over the last 15 years he has become well known internationally for his special brand of magic that he refers to as ' Magic of the Mind'. He is also well known for his lateral thinking, has created several interesting effects and was invited to contribute to Paul Hallas' book 'Mindful Mentalism II'. His current manuscript is entitled " The Direction of Mis-Direction", and will soon be published for the magic fraternity.

He was featured on the front cover of the January 2001 issue of M-U-M, a leading International magic publication, which is published by the Society of American Magicians. He has been featured more than once in Dan Garrett's prestigious column entitled ' World Class Magic'. He is a Member of many International magic organizations and is a member of the Panel of Magic Advisors as well as the Director of International Operations for The Magic Web Channel in the USA. He is also the President of Assembly 272 of The Society of American Magicians in Portugal.

He is a highly experienced magician and his advice is eagerly sought as a Magical Advisor. He moved to Portugal in 1987 he has become well known as a Producer and Director of magic shows, several as fund-raisers for charitable institutions. He is also a Marketing Strategist & Communication Specialist. Over the years, he has been involved in Radio and TV. At one time he was both the Producer and Host of the only English speaking nationwide radio show in Portugal. He has appeared several times on RTP, the International Portuguese TV channel with many original mental effects. He has been a judge at magic contests including S.A.M in New Orleans 2001. His work on magic has been featured in many publications and sites including ABRAcadabra, The Linking Ring, MUM, The Wizard's Report, O Magico, Smoke & Mirrors, Mr.Gadfly, The Banshee, taom.org, magicwebchannel.com and he was the author of the FISM 2000 article published in the March 2000 issue of MAGIC. He has acquired a reputation for his interviews appearing here on Magic Web Channel, entitled ' Tony Brook In Conversation With �' - a series of articles, which has featured several leading names including - Dan Garrett, Eugene Burger, George Saterial, Bob Blau, Bob Knigge, Scott Wells, Walter Zaney Blaney, Joaquin Ayala, Mike Stratman and Jon Racherbaumer.

Last, but by no means least, he is the proud father of Award winning International magician Charles Brook. Tony Brook sums up his philosophy on magic as follows:- " Magic must always be pure Entertainment. The real magic begins after the curtains close and they being talking about your act. What other profession in the world has 2000 people on their feet giving you a standing ovation for intriguing them?"


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